Seasoned MIX FIREWOOD (8 Foot Rack 8x4)

  1. Elm, Ash, Maple, Mulberry, Cypress


    • Elm: Burns steadily with a moderate heat output and produces minimal smoke. Its tough, interlocking grain makes it durable and good for long-lasting fires.

    • Ash: Known for its excellent burning qualities, ash firewood provides a consistent, hot flame and produces minimal smoke and coals. It’s easy to split and handle.

    • Maple: Provides a pleasant, moderate heat with a clean burn. Maple firewood is relatively easy to split and produces a good amount of coals for a long-lasting fire.

    • Mulberry: Burns hot and clean with a subtle, pleasant aroma. It can be a bit more challenging to split but offers a long-lasting and efficient burn.

    • Cypress: Known for its aromatic properties and resistance to insects. It burns with a moderate heat and pleasant scent, producing a good amount of coals and minimal smoke.